It looks like Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD ratings drop is actually leading Marvel to produce another television show by year’s end. Based on the Marvel One Shot that released with Iron Man 3, Agent Carter, played by Haley Atwell again, will reportedly follow the newly created SHIELD organization, fronted by Howard Stark (Tony’s father) and howling commando, Dum Dum Dugan. Set in the 1950’s, this could really build the Marvel universe in a way not yet seen, historically.
Rumor is that Atwell will be spending 6 months preparing for the series with filming underway by the end of 2014. This also is stated as being a big budget project, but does not mention if it will air on television or be another VOD project, much like the upcoming Defenders series.
Do you think Marvel needs another TV show, especially one placed in the 50s?