In the third round of casting news for Guardians of the Galaxy, it has been confirmed that Benicio Del Toro (Snatch, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) has joined the Phase 2 Marvel film in an unspecified role. Although the specifics on his character are currently unknown, it is reported he has been cast in a role that will play a larger part in the Marvel cinematic universe, meaning a multi-picture deal will be struck with the actor.
Theories from fans around the internet have already cast him as Thanos, which would not be a stretch. I say this due to his make-up and cg experiences in such films as Sin City, another comic book adaptation, and the remake of The Wolfman. As a serious faced character with deep lines and a grizzled feel, putting purple makeup on him and making him the Mad Titan is a thought.
However, I did not immediately think villain. Since the casting of Glenn Close as a Nova Corps leader, we’re going to need to see some Nova Corps members, most notably Richard Rider as Earth’s Nova. Being a member of an older incarnation of the Guardians and through interactions with the Avengers on Earth, I could see an older, rougher version of Nova who is battle weary and appears in later Marvel films as a cosmic hero. The deal to appear in later Marvel films might mean we get to see a Nova film later that focuses on the Corps and the training of a younger replacement, much in the vain of Men In Black but in Space!
Despite the theories either way, Benicio Del Toro is a great addition to a cast that is shaping up to be the most diverse group yet. Here’s to the Rocket Racoon!
[…] Benecio Del Toro Cast in Guardians of the Galaxy […]