The latest news for DOCTOR STRANGE is that Tilda Swinton (Snowpiercer) is in talks to play The Ancient One. In Marvel’s comic universe, the Ancient One is the person who takes in Stephen Strange and teaches him the ways of the mystic arts.
Generally, this is character is an older, Asian descendent with the typical style of what you’d imagine a master of ancient arts to look like. With this rumor of Swinton being courted for the role, they may be looking to change that up. Previous rumors indicated Morgan Freeman, Billy Nighy, and Ken Watanabe were in talks to play the role.
My guess is that Swinton would be a great Morgana Le Fey, another female mystic who tends to clash with the Sorcerer Supreme. She was also in the 1978 Movie/TV Pilot that never went anywhere, played by none other than Jessica Walters (Arrested Development, Archer).
Either way, an interesting choice and a great person to cast in Marvel’s stable. Hopefully they can hold onto her for more than just a single movie. Thoughts and speculation?
Source: THR