Wednesday, January 22, 2025
HomeEventsSDCC 15 - DEADPOOL Footage

SDCC 15 – DEADPOOL Footage


So far from SDCC 15, we’ve gotten official BATMAN V SUPERMAN and SUICIDE SQUAD trailers, plus leaked X-MEN: APOCALYPSE footage as well. However, the most exciting and game winning panel for me was the undeniably rude and hilarious DEADPOOL trailer they showed off.

Not being much of a fan of DEADPOOL overall (I hate that he adorns swag in all the stores), this film has my attention and will definitely kick the year off in the right way. Releasing this February (Valentine’s weekend) with an R rating, we expect this film to push a lot of boundaries for superhero films, as well as buttons on people who get upset easily.

As you can tell from the leaked footage below, they hold nothing back. Its been choreographed to great levels, uses profanity almost always, and Ryan Reynolds looks to be having a great time. Oh yeah, and Colossus from the X-Men makes an appearance. Enjoy the footage for yourself and let us know which panel/footage won you over from SDCC this past weekend!

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