UPDATED: First Photos of Max Dillon and Harry Osbourne


Ah, spring is in the air! Warm weather, sunshine, birds all a twitter. Wait, those aren’t birds. Thats actually Marc Webb and Dane DeHaan posting new photos from the Amazing Spider-man 2 online. After last week’s on set photos of Jamie Foxx in his Electro garb, we now have an official photo of him as Max Dillon, the man before the monster. Mr. Webb tweeted the photo this morning and it doesn’t look anything like what we saw last week. As we see this nerdy Dillon, please note the yarn and string connections in the background, possibly leading someone to try and find the identity of Spider-man, leading to the creation of Electro?

As a bonus surprise, shortly after Webb tweeted the photo, actor Dane DeHaan who will be playing Harry Osbourne in the upcoming film also tweeted a photo of his character from the film. Not much is given away here, or even surprising. It could almost be any photo of Dane DeHaan getting into an SUV, but lets roll with it. Will the elder Mr. Osbourne show up in this film as well?

Max Dillon Jamie Foxx

Harry Osbourne Dane Dehaan


UPDATE: Two more photos of Foxx and DeHaan have hit the web this morning. Check out some full body shots and let us know what you think of the characters.

Click to see larger images.

foxxdehaan2 foxxdehaan1


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