Wow. If any book is out right now that you should be reading, it is Avenger’s #1. From the first page, this book doesn’t slow down and delivers a fresh, fast experience that any comic book lover can enjoy. The premise is simple. Our team of Avengers as we know it (mostly from the cinematic universe) has gone to Mars to fight off a threat to the world. When they arrive and find three villains based on life, death, and judgement a bit too much to handle, only Captain America makes it back to earth. Once there, he assembles a new group of Avengers to handle the ever increasing threats.
This alone was worth the price of admission, to meet new villains created just for this series, Ex Nihilo and his counterpart Abyss, their mission is to give life a new chance on worlds. Much like a metaphor for this series, its giving the Avengers a new lease in comic books to be fantastical, yet explorative. As the issue ends, we’re given a new roster of Avengers that may or may not be familiar with even the most avid readers. Big names such as Ms. Marvel and Spider-man join up, as well as newcomers Manifold and Captain Universe. I cannot wait until they cover their origins and reasons for joining this new team.
The last page gives us a new logo, that sort of forms a circular web around the core Avengers at the center. Icons represent each hero and not all of them are filled out. Hopefully we’ll see who sits in those blanks as we move along, but my faith in Jonathan Hickman on this series has been more than surpassed and I will reading every issue. However, doesn’t that web kind of look like an S that someone used to wear….
Review 5 out of 5