Hot on the heel of those sexy character portraits from SDCC, Fox has unveiled the first posters for Days of Future Past showcasing none other than Magneto and Xavier. Whats great about these posters, which happen to be on the cover of EW, is the inclusion of both new and old versions of the character. We see a bearded, hippy Xavier transposed over the future, hairless self and a large blue X symbolizing peace and equality. In a stark contrast, we see a menacing Fassbender mixed in with an elderly McKellen and a red X instead. The red could symbolize the war and bloodshed that happens to the homo superiors in the course of the film, or a color associated with the Brotherhood of Mutants.
Either way, these posters absolutely gorgeous and mind blowing how well they mix together. Kudos, art director, kudos indeed. Check out the posters and hopefully we’ll get more as we get closer to release. Again, these are eerily cool.
Click for High Res versions.
X-Men Posters Showoff Magneto and Xavier #dofp #xmen #magneto #xavier #comicui
This movie is going to be insane!
These posters are visual mind freaks. It’s sheer genius and beauty.
#comicui #dofp check out hi res versions of magneto and Xavier posters. X treme!