We have some new pictures of Captain America’s uniform in real life! Not just the concept art anymore. We can see Chris Evans’ stunt double riding on a motorcycle (how typical, remember the the old Cap America movies??) wearing the new S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform. It doesn’t look too bad, really. But that’s me. Also we have some pictures of the Black Widow (ScarJo’s stunt double) fighting the Winter Soldier near a car. Lastly, we have some pictures of Anthony Mackie attached to a wire, and what appears to be ‘flying’ above the Winter Soldier. What we can expect is some CG trickery for wings, or a free fall.
Take a peek at the images below and let us know what you think of the upcoming movie!
PHOTOS: Cap’s Uniform, Black Widow, and the Falcon’… http://t.co/0j7xBBMEcY #comicui #captainamerica #marvel