Monday, February 10, 2025



It has been a long time since anyone has talked about or been excited for another film in the Transformers franchise. However, be prepared for some mixed feelings as the next entry has a few things going for it with the announcement of fan-favorite BEAST WARS characters joining the action. TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS is also the next entry in the franchise, next to the well received Bumblebee standalone movie set in the 1980s.

RISE OF THE BEASTS will take place in 1994, years before the Michael Bay films, and has the pleasure of bringing us Maximals, Predacons, and Terrorcons into the Autobot vs. Decepticon world. Originally introduced in Beast Wars, Universal has also announced Ron Perlman (Hellboy) as the voice of Optimus Primal, who transforms into a gorilla.

Beast Wars told the story of transformers who crashed on planet Earth in pre-historic times, taking on forms of animals and dinosaurs, rather than vehicles and machinery. Popular ones included Cheetor, Rat-trap, Dinobot, Rhinox, Terrorsaur, and of course Megatron who took the form of a T-Rex. These toys definitely decorated my home as a child, and while the CGI show does not hold up today, the action figures definitely still do.

Directed by Steven Caple Jr., the movie’s cast will also feature Anthony Ramos (In the Heights), but very little else is known about the movie at this time.

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